
leaving behind all limitations and crossing all boundaries into a life of yogic, fruity, creative bliss, incandescent love and abundant prosperity...question everything, be your own hero every day and know thyself. There is nothing more powerful than the miracle of YOU!

Monday, June 14, 2010

a whole new life

It's sunny, breezy, absolutely beautiful and about 80 degrees in LA today.  It's a day off for me, and lately my schedule is really my own, exactly what I've always wanted; to work when I want and for whom I wish, doing things I enjoy with plenty of time off to really enjoy my life.  Somehow I have managed to create something very new and very special.  My new job will grow from part to full time very soon, but I am able to set my own hours and once I am up and running with these new tasks I can work mostly on my own.  That means anytime I want I could be working at a beach-side cafe from a laptop!  How amazing is that?  I'd said for ages that I wished I could find a way to make a good prosperous living just sitting in cafes, people watching and writing...this job will afford me that luxury. :)  I also have a boss that I adore, who has already inspired me to change my living space into something far more open, airy, clean and magical, and for whom I will enjoy working together when we need to.

Today I got to sleep in with my love, who worked a mid shift, come home, sip fresh squeezed orange juice and do a truly glorious kundalini yoga set while basking in the breezes on this perfect day.  I could hear the trees dancing on the wind as I moved and breathed and sweat to a set designed to give you core power; that means power to do anything you set your intention to, giving you that extra bit of energy and tenacity to follow through. It's one of those kundalini sets that is hard to describe and to an observer would look very simple or slow.  Far from it, this set had me shaking, focusing on specific muscle groups, stretching while I strengthened, and at the end I now feel tighter, taller, lighter and totally blissed out.  The meditation at the end is fabulous as well; a powerful chant with special breath and movement that I feel I could do forever, and I felt it in my core as well.  I believe Ravi and Ana are so on the money when they say that core power is the missing element in so many peoples' attempts at self-improvement.  I agree!  The core/navel/solar plexus area is so crucial to so many aspect of our lives, both physically and metaphysically.  This is a set I HATED when I first bought the DVD a few years ago, but now I feel called to it and I really enjoyed it today.  Admittedly, since I have been so inconsistent in my own practice and eating some acidic cooked foods, I found myself to be rather weak, stiff and achy.  The miracle of this yoga is that it works so fast!  Within minutes I felt aches dissipate, I felt areas of tension open up and allow movement and flow, and I felt energy coming from my center.  I would like to make this a daily sadhana for me for a while, until I feel called to another set or feel like rotating this with others like the Warrior Workout, Solar Plexus Set, Beauty Body, etc.

I also decided recently to let go of the attachment I have to becoming a teacher of yoga and just focusing purely on cultivating my own daily practice, so my yoga practice becomes as much a part of my everyday life as breathing.  When I get to the point where I would no more skip my yoga practice than skip brushing my teeth in the morning, I will know I have created something truly special in my life that will serve me for all of my years on this earth.  Singular focus, sole intention...soul intention. ;)

Sat Nam

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