
leaving behind all limitations and crossing all boundaries into a life of yogic, fruity, creative bliss, incandescent love and abundant prosperity...question everything, be your own hero every day and know thyself. There is nothing more powerful than the miracle of YOU!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

high fat IS the enemy!

At least it is for me! If I ever had any doubts about the validity of the benefits of LOW fat raw vegan, or cooked vegan for that matter, as opposed to HIGH fat of raw or cooked anything, my body has voted in no uncertain terms.  Within minutes of consuming anything high fat, raw or cooked, I feel queasy, tired, and bloaty. Blech!  Conversely, when I stick with lowfat vegan, even cooked (like my delicious veggie stew!), I feel light, energetic, young and strong.  When I up the ante there to lowfat raw vegan, meaning fruit really, I feel like superwoman! And while I always thought I was more of a sweets person, I'm seeing that it is tough to get off the high fat wagon. Tough, but not impossible and WELL worth it. :)

This week things they are a-changing! In so many wonderful ways. I'm working a 2 day temp gig, have a couple of lovely part-time gigs lining up for me, started a 40 day sadhana again (this one better stick, lol!) last night with my love and Yoga Beauty Body (amazing overall set that kicked both our asses, and felt great), and we have a whole new direction in life together. No details on that one, don't want to dilute the magic at play, but we're happy campers. :) So much can change in an instant.

Friends around me are going through some horribly difficult times and it serves as a bold reminder to love every moment, express and feel gratitude every day and really cherish our time here on earth.  One day, we will miss it, even if that's hard to believe sometimes.  Mama earth offers us a truly unique and wondrous experience.

I cannot wait for day 2 of our sadhana tonight; nothing makes for better sleep than kundalini yoga before bed! And man did I wake up easily and with lovely energy this morning because of it.

It's a breezy, beautiful day in LA; highs in the low 70s, lows in the mid 50s...so perfect. I am enjoying my time here while it lasts. xoxo

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