
leaving behind all limitations and crossing all boundaries into a life of yogic, fruity, creative bliss, incandescent love and abundant prosperity...question everything, be your own hero every day and know thyself. There is nothing more powerful than the miracle of YOU!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

opening the floodgates

It seems the old saying "when it rains, it pours" it true.  A few weeks ago I was a bit nervous (ok, very nervous) about my untethered employment status; I had left my old job, had nothing permanent lined up yet and my temp agency had yet to call with anything for me, beyond a long term gig that would mean working until about 9pm every night, to which I said "no thank you."  I started to wonder if I had erred in that one but it felt all wrong and my whole reason for the leap of faith was to create something wonderful and new, not take a job with worse hours, the same pay and the same industry environment.  No, I decided to trust my choices and do more yoga or laugh more with my love to get me through the doubting moments.

Well, my horoscopes all said that late last week things would suddenly flow for me in terms of jobs, etc and that seems to have been an understatement.  This leap has afforded me some MUCH needed downtime at home, a little "staycation" for the gal who hasn't had a real vacation since 2005 when I went to London.  It has also allowed me to see just how strong the relations are that I formed with former employers.  When a prospective employer called 3 of them yesterday for references, she said they could not have been more glowing and wondered how much I had paid them, lol.  I knew those references were sound and that I had done good work at each position, but I get a bit misty actually at the thought of just how lovely those old connections are.  So much laughter and fun with each and every one, and it's so beautiful to hear that they feel the same way about me.  I just want to hug them all; Jonathan, Michael T and Brett. :) 

This week seems to be high tide for me; I now have a few plumb choices as to what my next job/s will be and to whom I hitch my wagon for a while.  I'm pretty sure I know who and what that is already, but tomorrow I will know more with two live interviews, one of which is really to seal a deal.  But having this bevvy of choices and people all vying for my talents makes me feel amazing!  When I was at my last gig, I felt as though that company valued its staplers more than its employees, despite my wonderful supervisor.  Now I feel truly valued, which is exactly what I wanted to create.  And I see something totally new, NON-industry and really exciting lining up for me, finally.  At the same time, I will be able to work for one of those marvelous old bosses for a week for some quick cashola, and I know my temp agency can keep me busy and very liquid at any time.  The feeling of freedom this gives me is incredible! 

This is all further proof that my leap of faith was rewarded, as I believe they always are, and that none of us ever need to be resigned to a life of compromise and mind-numbing jobs we hate.  Never!  Life is precious and we are powerful beyond measure.  I am positively busting with gratitude right now, mostly to my love, who supported this experiment and bold leap with his whole heart and soul, making it possible for me to do this.  Angel, I love you soooooo much!  Miracles happen every single day, all day long and you are living proof! ;)

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