
leaving behind all limitations and crossing all boundaries into a life of yogic, fruity, creative bliss, incandescent love and abundant prosperity...question everything, be your own hero every day and know thyself. There is nothing more powerful than the miracle of YOU!

Monday, June 7, 2010

a very good day

Something in me has made an important connection; that eating lots of raw leafy greens really does build muscle and makes your cells very happy.  I'm feeling called to lots of green smoothies right now, and here's what I've had today so far:

green smoothie- red leaf lettuce, water and bananas (about 6 and I split the blender with my honey)
banana smoothie - 5 or 6 bananas in water (didn't finish it all, but had most of it)
1/2 large ripe cantaloupe (wow this was yummy!)
green smoothie - most of a head of red butter lettuce, water, about 4 or 5 bananas

I'm not sure what I'll have tonight, but this is a lovely day of green goodness that I will repeat as long as it feels this good.  I need more water, ran out, but I'll be all over that tonight and tomorrow.  And keeping the caloric intake up is definitely key, which usually means eating or drinking before I feel the need and being well stocked with ripe fruit and lots of greens.

The other day I made a lovely dish of fettucine, fresh basil, fresh parsley, sauteed mushrooms and onions, goat cheese and some parmesan....tasted wonderful, I ate one nice portion, Bri had two big portions, and for some reason that dish kicked my ass! I ended up purging just to stop the discomfort in my belly. No bueno. It could have been the cheese being too much or the bit of sauce maybe...who knows, but my body very loudly and clearly said NO. Then when I had fruit and smoothies it was fine. Had a veggie sandwhich later and that was fine too. And obviously the food was all fresh and good or Bri would have felt it too.  I chalk it up to my body really wanting and needing the simplest, lowest fat, living foods; things that are easy to digest and loaded with energy. The pasta, while tasty, was none of those things and I guess after months of transitioning I've passed a point of no return. I think that's wonderful!  When I eat fruit, greens, simple things, I feel terrific. I can handle that! :)

1 comment:

  1. I think greens are SO key to so many things! Muscle building, cutting down the cravings, and keeping regular BM's! They help me so much. Lately I've been eating greens every other day, and I'm noticing that the 2nd day I start to get majorly bad cravings! It's just nutty! :/ Gotta get them in everyday. I even crave them the 2nd day, I just don't feel like eating them HAHA. Sounds dumb, I know.

    sorry about your cooked meal. :( There are some cooked things I do alright with, but cheese is NOT one of them. My body just rejects the heck out of it, feels like a giant rock in my tummy!
