
leaving behind all limitations and crossing all boundaries into a life of yogic, fruity, creative bliss, incandescent love and abundant prosperity...question everything, be your own hero every day and know thyself. There is nothing more powerful than the miracle of YOU!

Monday, May 3, 2010

so much transition!

As it looks to be just weeks away from our big move from LA to Portland, my love and I are both moving forward in our fruitarian shift AND enjoying final hurrahs at some much beloved places in LA we shall both miss; Gilbert's, The Water Lily Cafe in Topanga, etc. 

Yesterday we had an extraordinary day!  We slept in (mmmm) took our time getting up and ready, I enjoyed a Whorebucks ritual I've not partaken in for ages, then we went to Gilbert's in Santa Monica so my love could enjoy his lifelong favorite meal there. I wasn't terribly hungry, I just picked at a few things. Oddly, I find lately my appetite is rather small and cravings very nondescript. Then we went to the beach, or the Santa Monica area that overlooks the ocean, and GOD that's gorgeous! The weather was spot-on spectacular and we even found legal free parking RIGHT where we wanted to be, just as we pulled up. I love those simlpe moments of serendipity and flow. After ocean-gazing and people watching while my love snapped gorgeous pics, we headed up PCH, which always reminds me of my long lost friend Mac. It was his dream to come visit Los Angeles and drive up the coast in a convertible while listening to the Beach Boys at full blast. Well, I can't stand the Beach Boys so I skipped that part but I always send him love when I find myself zooming up PCH on exquisite days like that. :)

We went through Topanga and stopped at my old favorite cafe, The Water Lily, for a little while. I used to go there every weekend and sat for HOURS inside, with my trusty laptop and headphones, listening to music while writing my novels, and watching the locals. Such a strange community, Topanga. I find it to be so incredibly beautiful and healing to be there, but the locals are mostly assholes with money or the Birkenstock granola crowd, neither of which are very welcoming clans. Nevertheless, I've loved it there for a long, long time, and had a tearful moment realizing that very soon the Water Lily would be but a beautiful memory for me. Thankfully, my love took some lovely pics inside for me to cherish.  I'd love for us to do the same at the Inn somehow before we go, one last brunch hurrah, creekside.

But today we are on a routine we are testing out and using as a simple, cleansing and inexpensive way to live for a while; fresh raw oj all day, bananas and banana smoothies at night. Bananas are filling, yummy and super cheap. OJ isn't cheap, but about $5 per day for me, double for him, and oddly satisfying. It's making sure the water intake stays high and we keep energy intake up that makes it work. And yoga of course!

So whether we move to Portland in a few weeks or a few months, a major life change is underway and we both feel the shifts already, in a very positive sense. Where a week or so ago I was VERY stressed and worried, I feel wonderfull at peace, excited and thrilled about it all. I cannot wait to see the apartment we land in and in which we create a beautiful new space, and I cannot wait to see my old friends from high school who live up there there...even my monthly horoscope on Astrologyzone.com echoes this feeling with some incredible news about Pluto in my chart this year and for the next few years, making this the biggest time of positive change in my life and the time where I realize my TRUE worth and true callings, and actually live them, finally. I've been feeling that and saying that, and there was my monthly horoscope telling me I was right. ;)

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