
leaving behind all limitations and crossing all boundaries into a life of yogic, fruity, creative bliss, incandescent love and abundant prosperity...question everything, be your own hero every day and know thyself. There is nothing more powerful than the miracle of YOU!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

limiting ideas from limited minds

I wanted to rant for a moment about the subject of genetics, and by that I mean the incessant scapegoating I see in blaming overeating, emotional issues, food addiction and inactivity upon this allegedly irrefutable scientific paradigm.  First, let me just say, BOLLOCKS.  Man is simply another form of animal life on this planet.  Sure, we like to think we're superior for reasons we've created with the brains we only use about 10% of, if we're brilliant that is, but we are, in fact, mammals folks. Animals with fur and teeth and instincts and basic traits just like all the other animals on this planet.  The de-evolution of our species thanks to "civilization" makes no difference to this fact whatsoever, so we can easily look to nature for a template of who and what we really are underneath the scented soaps, shoes, clothes and frapuccinos. 

In nature, in the animal kingdom (and by this I mean WILD animals, not domestic ones which we have tainted with canned cooked/dry foods and confinement) there is NO obesity, NO cancer, NONE of the aspects of aging and cellular breakdown or "middle age spread" that we use as excuses and accept as "normal" on a daily basis.  Now with our domesticated beasts, thanks to vaccinations, processed and cooked foods pumped full of shit they neither want nor need naturally and lives of general inactivity, yes, our companion animals now share our diseases; from obesity to osteoporosis and everything in between.  Animals are also HIGHLY empathic and tend to take on OUR issues, very likely as a method of reflecting them to us but we are seldom aware of it enough to benefit from it and help ourselves and our furry families.

WILD animals are beautiful, healthy and always the perfect weight/size.  It's only when we get involved that things go downhill for them, lol.

Now, having heard many animal parents (I won't call them owners) laugh off the obesity of their animals as the result of aging or genetics I pondered this intently and could not get my mind around this.  It's utter and complete rubbish.  Animals are no more meant to become fat and diseased with the passage of time than we are.  Cells are constantly regenerating, and as long as we do not deplete our body's enzyme stores by consuming cooked foods and processed crap we can and do stay healthy, young and beautiful for far longer than people realize.  Animals are no different.  Humans and animals share more than we can even comprehend right now.  And while science likes to tout its findings as "truth", we have to keep perspective on this folks because scientists are just humans, and right now we are still SO very much in the dark we actually still believe there is "junk DNA" (not the case at all), that the appendix and tonsils serve no important purpose and can therefore be removed as superfluous hindrances, and that we understand and can comment upon the subject of genetics.  Long ago it was acknowledged by some of the greatest thinkers of our time that man only uses a tiny percentage of our brain, so while on the one hand we outright admit that we're working with less than half a load we also profess to know "the truth" and how it all works.  Well, our minds are not there yet.  Our spirits, however, always know; always have, always will. 

It is my personal belief, coming from that deep resonance inside connected to my true Self, that we are nowhere near understanding genetics, DNA and human physical evolution yet.  Not with our minds anyway.  There is NO genetic predisposition to anything that relegates us to certain doomed paths.  Ever.  Every moment we are our own gods creating our own realities, our own universes.  It's all about choice and belief.  What you believe, you create, period.  Your conscious mind, which is only about 10% or less of the equation, can believe something positive, but if the subconscious aspect of your mind, which is clearly driving the bus, believes otherwise guess who wins?  We are hypnotically programmed via the media and the people all around us to accept science as law.  It's a fascinating area of discovery, but it's in the infancy stages compared to where we will find ourselves very soon.  I equate it to looking into a beautiful snow-globe and somehow convincing yourself that it's actually the entire Universe, lol. 

We have far more power than most of us can even imagine right now, which is unfortunate but I do see that changing; people are awakening to their true power and one day will cease to look to others for rescue.  There is a tremendous shift going on right now; on this planet, in our Universe, and we will never be the same or be able to go backwards, and it's a GOOD THING!!! One day things like invasive surgeries, drugs, "elections" and all facets of limited mind will be a memory.  Personally, I will roll around in the grass like my beautiful old furry sister Cotton (the sweet puppers I grew up with and loved so much) and dance all day long at the feeling of new freedom.

Maybe it's the fruit talking.  ;)

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