
leaving behind all limitations and crossing all boundaries into a life of yogic, fruity, creative bliss, incandescent love and abundant prosperity...question everything, be your own hero every day and know thyself. There is nothing more powerful than the miracle of YOU!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

a little goes a long way

This morning something unusual and wonderful happened.  My body missed Kundalini yoga so much, since I've been focusing on Hatha forms like Power Yoga lately, that I actually awoke before my alarm, unable to go back to sleep and unable to think of anything OTHER THAN getting up and doing some yoga. Yes, I was sleepy and wanted to snooze a bit longer, but I couldn't!  I got up, pulled on comfy jammies, popped in Ravi and Ana's classic DVD, "Kundalini Yoga: Total Tune Up" and did the fabulous 30 minute "Warm Up & Open Up" set.  I always love this one as a morning quickie that covers a lot.  It has all of the classic warm up moves I LOVE; Sufi Grinds, Spinal Flexes, Spinal Twists, Crow Pose, Butterfly, Open Leg Stretch, Sciatic/Life Nerve Stretch, lots of Breath of Fire...so perfect for first thing in the morning!  That really felt amazing, and for the first time in my life there was no sense of making myself get up to do it; I HAD to do it, I WANTED to do it and couldn't resist. :)

And while I could easily say I have covered my yoga bases for the day with that, I actually cannot wait to dive into more after work; either Yoga Beauty Body or Yoga Bliss Hips...both are amazing in their own ways.  YBB includes what Yogi Bhajan called "The Magnificent Seven Series" that women especially (but men too) should do every single day for long, radiant lives.  YBH is great for dealing with the tension stored in the hips, often related to fear of the unknown and fear of moving forward in life, and also includes some great venting/emotional release work and great heart openers...it really does bring you into Bliss. So I will see which of those beckons later.

Today I feel very calm, positive, unflappable.  I have a mad dash across town at lunchtime, checking on a job lead that could be just the ticket. ;) I also have an interview on Monday and really liked the woman I spoke with about it, she spoke my language, using words like "resonates", lol. Funny the little things you pick up on to recognize "your people".  That will be fun for me, I find the company intriguing and will share more later. 

When the Portland gig I was attached to disappeared on me yesterday right after reading some not-too-flattering things about the person (divine timing anyone?? lol) I was very reactive about it all...and then I felt a total shift; calmness, reassurance, and a new plan of action.  We stay here for a little while longer, continue to save and scout and prepare, and do the move this year anyway, without the mad dash for a change.  Since all of my moves prior to this involved stress or just mad dashes at the last minute, I'd love to change that pattern and create a new one.  Well orchestrated, perfectly timed, peaceful and joyful moves. :)  I'm also proud of myself for getting over the reactive moments pretty quickly and finding Plan B so quickly and with such openness. 

I tell you this folks...yoga is NOT about being flexible, or strong, or beautiful...it's about letting go, finding your center when it seems impossible and living from your spirit, not your fears. And even a tiny little bit goes a very long, long way.

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