
leaving behind all limitations and crossing all boundaries into a life of yogic, fruity, creative bliss, incandescent love and abundant prosperity...question everything, be your own hero every day and know thyself. There is nothing more powerful than the miracle of YOU!

Monday, April 19, 2010

worth a shot?

Maybe it's Mercury in retrograde, maybe it's just bad technology, but I had a hell of a time trying to post my first blog here the other day. I'll give it one more shot, hoping that was a fluke!

I'm sitting at work, a job I am thrilled to say I will be leaving in a few weeks, sipping a fabulous green smoothie my love made for me this morning.  I love this man so much; he's bright, beautiful, sweet as could be, talented and makes a mean green smoothie! lol It's spinach, banana and dates I believe. It's also the thickest and most dense smoothie I've ever had! It's like pudding, so yummy. But I am mixing it with water to make it a bit lighter and more drinkable. Energy feast though, no doubt. ;)

This morning I had a gorgeous and very sweet/juicy Tuscan melon. I do love those and for some odd reason, even on an empty stomach I find it tough to have more than one at a sitting. I followed that with some fresh raw oj, about 32 ounces over the morning along with water, though I'm sure I could use more of the latter. My mouth gets so dry at the corners when I'm even the slightest bit dehydrated, that's how I know I need to be more on top of it.

Tonight my love and I will do some yummy yoga together, and I'm aiming for getting us to do at least a 20 minute practice of Hatha in the mornings. That's the dream and I know once the fruity power kicks in to the fullest for us we will LEAP out of bed for our practice!

Definitely some cravings to contend with, even when I do get enough calories and water in. When it comes down to it, I either grab an all veg sandwhich or one of those Amy's California veg burgers, which are vegan, and have it on a piece of sprouted grain bread or lettuce. I figure as non-raw, non-fruity foods go, they're not too horrible and eventually those will fall by the wayside too. But they keep me from snapping on those days where the cravings rear their ugly heads. I look forward to the days when that will be but a memory as well...and I can see it, ever so slightly down the road, just up ahead!

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