
leaving behind all limitations and crossing all boundaries into a life of yogic, fruity, creative bliss, incandescent love and abundant prosperity...question everything, be your own hero every day and know thyself. There is nothing more powerful than the miracle of YOU!

Friday, April 23, 2010

kicked in the teeth

That's how I've been feeling at work for a while and I am so stressed and so over it right now, I sneak away to cry in the bathroom. Yep, I gave my notice without something lined up, and I do always land on my feet, but right now I am just one big ball of upset.

I have been doing my best to do the right thing on the way out, making it a smooth transition and being helpful, offering a 3 week notice and offering to extend that one more week if they want me here longer to train my replacement, which I know my current boss does.

I was just told that I would be supporting this other new VP as of May 1st with NO accompanying increase in pay, which was the bulls**t treatment that got me to snap and quit in the first place. We assistants are worth less than staplers to these jerks, and I promptly emailed HR, my boss and my temp agency to ask how my pay rate would be adjusted to reflect those new duties for my last week/s. I am NOT taking this bending over,  period.

Bri and I also realized this morning our energy needs are greater than we realized, and I guess this is why Dr. Graham is big on calorie counting for at least the first month or so. I need about 2000 cals/energy units per day, Bri needs about 3000, and I know we've not been meeting those needs. But now we are, and shall continue to do to. It's not always easy, especially when eating mostly fruit, but well worth it.

Right now I just have to hang in there, ride out this depression at work and KNOW that it will all turn around in time. This is what one author I love calls "living the split", when you are literally straddling the two worlds; the one you are leaving behind and the one you are creating. I am so ready to step into the new one. Enough already.

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