
leaving behind all limitations and crossing all boundaries into a life of yogic, fruity, creative bliss, incandescent love and abundant prosperity...question everything, be your own hero every day and know thyself. There is nothing more powerful than the miracle of YOU!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

what a couple of weeks!

Bri and I were coasting along with our daily yoga and all fruitarian lifestyle for about 8 days when a couple of things happened that derailed us; he way overdid his cycling one day and was so fatigued I let him have a veg sandwich, and of course I joined him (lol) and then my bday weekend came up and we agreed to a couple of splurges as goodbyes to places and meals we held dear.

Well, with that behind us, we are both so ready to get back to that fabulously energetic lifestyle; daily yoga that we will alternate between Kest Power Yoga and Kundalini, and since we both know now what meditations are especially trans-formative for us according to Kundalini soul numerology we will add those in as well. Not surprisingly, we each found that the very meditation or kriya we are each supposed to do are the ones we each HATE, lol. For him, Sat Kriya, for me, So Darshan Chakra Kriya. Blech! lol Buuut, I also understand how that works and when he told me how much he hated Sat Kriya I had a feeling it was his resistance, and I was right! I also knew instinctively that SDCK was the one I needed the most ages ago...it's the ONE Kundalini meditation that gives me such a hard time and frustrates me tremendously...funny how that works, lol.

I loved reading a few of Dr. Graham's words of wisdom earlier while I was waiting for my cell phone software to be upgraded (oh how I miss the old days sometimes); he talked about continuing to move forward with positivity no matter how slowly you make the shift, and always encourages from a place of total non-judgment. Amazing man really, and that book is literally life changing. I'd wanted to go raw and vegan for so long but always felt like shit when I tried it because of the high fat levels of the usual gourmet raw fare. And now I understand, thanks to Dr. Graham and his book and seminar videos, that the whole candida issue and much of the dis-ease we create via food has to do with fat, and specifically the presence of fats and sugar in the bloodstream at the same time, wreaking havoc. But a lowfat fruity raw life is the healing elixir OF life, period. There is NO other food humans are biologically designed and meant to eat. Fruit is pure energy, cleansing and our one true source of nutritional healing and perfect sustenance for us.

I'm loading up on good clean water, fresh squeezed oj, Tuscan melons, greens for smoothies, etc and embracing this lifestyle with all of my heart and soul.

On another note, the signs pointing us to Portland are incredible and undeniable. I now have quite a handful of new friends up there thanks to all of the people I keep talking to here in LA who are so excited about our move and have such great friends in Portland that they feel compelled to connect me...how marvelous is that?! It just happened now when I was chatting with this adorable family I have known here for years, and found that they too will eventually move up there and have family in Portland and Vancouver, Washington (where they have no state tax, hmm).  This kind of thing has been happening every day! I mean seriously, our new comedy VP at work knew me for all of 5 minutes and when I said I was moving up there in a few months, she had introduced me to two incredible sounding people up there (a writer who is a Guggenheim fellow and an actress) immediately.  I love it!  When we land, with my trusty Honda (thanks mama!) and our Uhaul trailer, cats in the back seat kennel, we will have a good handful of new friends to meet and greet us.

11 years ago when me and my ex decided to move to LA sight unseen, no money saved, no connections here, no clue, we manifested the path within 48 hours and were living here within a month. When it's meant to be, the Universe shows you the way, all you have to do is trust and flow. Bruce Lee said to be like water. He was right. ;)

It's AAAALLLL coming together...we knew it would. ;) Bye bye LA. Bye bye industry douchebags. Bye bye toxic job environment.  We created this beautiful new picture together and we feel it happening already.

Be your own hero every single day. Know your worth, and honor it.  Trust.  Lead with your heart, always.

And as the great yoga teacher,  Pattabhi Jois used to say, "Practice...and all is coming."


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