
leaving behind all limitations and crossing all boundaries into a life of yogic, fruity, creative bliss, incandescent love and abundant prosperity...question everything, be your own hero every day and know thyself. There is nothing more powerful than the miracle of YOU!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

a few thoughts and words on teachers and yogis

Ok, since this is where I get to sound off about things both positive and negative, I'm going to address something very much in my scopes lately.  On the subject of teachers, of all kinds, I am finding a MAJOR pool of complete and utter hypocrites out there.  For example, let's look at the subject of yoga teachers.  Sure, many folks come into a yoga room just looking for a little stress relief, strength building, increase of flexibility or a good "workout". But whatever the intention of the seeker, yoga is NOT merely a physical discipline for better buns. You can come into the room thinking that's all you're getting, but it doesn't work that way.  Yoga is a sacred and ancient tradition about the totality of ones' lifestyle.  To call yourself a yogi or a teacher of yoga implies a great amount of work having gone into your own issues and I think it safe to say that most students presume a certain level of humility and balance exists within their teachers.  Do they have to be perfect? Of course not, but living out here in the land of the celebrity yogis and yoginis I have witnessed and heard many things that make my skin crawl, all coming from this pool of teachers allegedly there to guide you through an often difficult journey into the deepest aspects of yourself via the asanas.  Womanizing, acting like Sean Penn when a student or "civilian" recognizes one of the millionaire DVD wonders, major issues are money that manifests as dishonesty and greed; in short, the kinds of behaviors you really, really do not want to deal with from your yoga instructor.

The first line of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, one of the most important ancient texts in the world of yoga and the text which allegedly guides all yogis, states that yoga is controlling the thought waves of the mind in order to avoid suffering.  I'm paraphrasing, but that is definitely the gist of it.  Now, I have spoken with male yoga teachers who have rather candidly admitted to dating their way through their students, blaming it on the "skimpy outfits" some women wear in classes and how they are "only human."  Perhaps they are.  But if you are standing in front of me in a yoga room, teaching me an ancient, sacred art for healing and self empowerment I want to KNOW that you have the emotional maturity to cease thinking of students of either gender as sex objects. It's really not that difficult, and if you have studied yoga to the point of glorious acrobatics and earning millions of dollars per year from DVD sales and sold out classes around the world and somehow managed to skip over that opening passage of the Sutras, you need to have your teaching certification revoked to start over again because obviously you missed the most important aspects of the teachings.

Then I have witnessed some baffling things, like single people becoming wealthy self help gurus focusing on how people can create the relationship of their dreams with the right partner for them....sorry, HOW can you claim to help others in this capacity if you yourself have not managed to create or attract this into your life?  Would a smoker pay someone still smoking to teach them how to quit? Of course not, that would be ridiculous.  But watching therapists counsel people on weight issues when they are obese (seen it myself folks) or well meaning folks saying that they are meant to be single until they help others to create wonderful partnerships just sounds like a lot of bullshit to me.  The best teachers in the world teach by example, not gum-flapping.  Walk the talk or it's all meaningless.  I recently asked someone I know who is building a very abundant life as a relationship life coach whether he was in a relationship.  He said he was not, so I naturally asked how he felt he could counsel others when he hasn't managed this for himself yet (and he does want one).  He had all manner of excuses at the ready but they were just that; excuses.  When you resort to excuses, you're already in the major bullshit territory in my opinion.  I didn't confront him, just said I appreciated the answers and found them interesting.  But a few moments later, between that and the recent revelation that a very famous "yogi" was quite the womanizing "dog" (and not an upward dog either, lol) I really felt I had to vent here.

Folks, do your research.  When someone presents themselves to you with the answers for all of your problems, or even one of your problems, make sure they have addressed their own to some pleasant ends.  Otherwise it's really just a charlatan selling snake oil at your expense.  When you see someone radiating with pure joy, who is honest about their challenges and yet managed to create the life they desire and continue to grow and share in those ups and downs, grab them with both hands and never let go because apparently they are incredibly rare.

At the end of the day, a yoga teacher is not necessarily a Yogi.  There is a world of difference.  The student practicing at home with a video-tape might honestly declare themselves to be a true yogi because of their purity of heart and totality in understanding the scope and breadth of the teachings, whereas a teacher of 20+ years might call himself a yogi and really only be teaching a physical workout without living yoga.  Shiva Rea, who IS a shining example of a true Yogini as far as the yoga community reports (even those who are close to her) often says that she is not interested in practicing yoga, rather she is committed to living yoga.  Big difference.

Knowing the two polar ends of the spectrum exist out there, my prayer is that all true yogis and yoginis in the making find honest teachers who are living the path day by day, and that all of the lonely hearts who seek connection realize that their greatest asset in this search lies within and not without.

Namaste...Om Shanti.

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